Changing color profiles
When a fi le’s profi le doesn’t conform to the current working space (Adobe RGB, in our case) or the color profi le is missing altogether, you can use the Assign Profi le command to assign the correct one.You may notice visible color shifts if the color data of the fi le is reinterpreted to conform to the new profi le, but rest assured, the color data in the actual image is preserved. Do keep Preview checked,though, so you can see what you’re getting into.
To change or remove a fi le’s color profi le:
1. With a fi le open in Photoshop, choose Edit >Assign Profi le. If the fi le contains layers, an alert may appear, warning you that the appearance of the layers may change; click OK. The Assign Profi le dialog opens.A
2. Check Preview, then click one of the following:
To remove the color profi le, click Don’t Color Manage Th is Document.
To assign your current working space to the fi le, click Working [document color mode and the name of your chosen working space].If you followed our instructions for color management, you’ve already specifi ed Adobe RGB as the Working RGB space, but you can click this option for any photo that wasn’t shot or scanned using that color space.
To assign a diff erent profi le, click Profi le, then choose a profi le that diff ers from your current working space.
3. Click OK.
Th e Convert to Profi le command lets you preview the conversion of a document to an assortment of output profi les and intents, and then converts the color data to the chosen profi le.
Note: Th is command performs a mode conversion and changes the actual color data in your fi le!
To convert a fi le’s color profi le:
1. Choose Edit > Convert to Profi le. In the Convert to Profi le dialog,B check Preview.
2. Under Destina tion Space, from the Profi le menu, choose the profi le you want to convert the fi le to (it doesn’t necessarily have to be the current working space).
3. Under Conversion Options, choose an Intent(for the intents, see the sidebar on page 405).
4. Leave the default Engine as Adobe (ACE) and keep Use Black Point Compensation and Use Dither checked.
5. Optional: Check Flatten Image to Preserve Appearance to merge all layers and adjustment layers in the document.
6. Click OK
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