mercredi 23 novembre 2011

Creating document presets

Creating document presets

If you tend to use the same document size, color mode, or other settings repeatedly in the New dialog, take the time to create a document preset for those settings. Th ereafter, you’ll be able to access your settings via the Preset menu, which will save you startup time as you create new fi les.

To create a document preset:

1. Choose File > New or press Ctrl-N/Cmd-N. Th e New dialog opens.

2. Choose settings, such as the width, height, resolution, color mode, bit depth, background contents,color profi le, and pixel aspect ratio. Ignore any setting that you don’t want to include in the preset; you’ll exclude it from the preset in step 5.

3. Click Save Preset. Th e New Document Preset dialog opens.A

4. Enter a Preset Name.

5. Under Include in Saved Settings, uncheck any New dialog settings that you don’t want included in the preset.

6. Click OK. Your new preset will appear on the Preset menu in the New dialog.
➤ To delete a user-created preset, choose it from the Preset menu, click Delete Preset, then click Yes (this can’t be undone).A

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